Iago was subconsciously telling the audience how jealous he was about Cassio's promotion. This scene being referred to is where Iago expressed his animosity for Othello. In Act 1 Scene 1, Shakespeare opened up to his audience a level of jealousy that goes hand in hand with the feeling of greed. Within each of the characters in Othello was a level of jealousy, which Iago created by testing their pressure points for his benefit.

Even from the well-developed characters, such as Othello, to the lesser figures, such as Roderigo, envy and lust were feelings all of Shakespeare's characters were accountable of holding at one time or other in the play. Just as Othello's flaws lied within his inability to see past his jealous feelings, so did most of the rest of characters, no matter what social ranking they were classified in. It is for that single reason that Iago knows that such a naпve man as Othello, who loves his wife so blindly and unrealistically, can be made to think whatever Iago wants Othello to believe. Love consumes all those who take part in it, and in Othello's case his flaws lie in his loving Desdemona so blindly. In which a man, Othello, loves Desdemona excessively and passionately, however he loves her unwisely. What adds to this great tragedy is that it is a love story as well. What made each character jealous, was what they perceived as the truth. The flaws within all of the characters lied within their blindness to over look Iago's lies. The central theme was based on the acts that characters had taken based on their jealous feelings. As theses lies were unraveled the central theme of his play became distinct, and clearly visible. One of Shakespeare's most credible characteristics in his writing is his ability to compose a play in which has a story that originates, and strides on lies. Jealousy in Othello is what the play was founded on.

In Othello, one of his most recognized tragedies was consistently evolving around the central theme of jealousy.
#Jealousy in othello full#
Shakespeare has an exceptional ability to compose plays full of deceit, trickery, murderous revenge, and jealousy.